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£45,000 received for untreated chronic infections

  • Naomi Todd acted for a 36 year old woman, who received £45,000 after receiving negligent dental treatment from three dentists between 2009 and 2013. Over this period, the Defendants failed to treat chronic infections at several of her teeth and failed …

    By dentalnegligence

Naomi Todd acted for a 36 year old woman, who received £45,000 after receiving negligent dental treatment from three dentists between 2009 and 2013. Over this period, the Defendants failed to treat chronic infections at several of her teeth and failed to provide dental treatment that was needed, including root canal treatments.

The client suffered pain and suffering over a sustained period of time as a result of the chronic untreated infections. As a result of the infection being left untreated at one of her teeth, the client developed a facial swelling and subsequent indentation in her face and this tooth was subsequently extracted. As a result she required scar revision surgery to correct the facial scarring left from the untreated infection and procedure to remove the tooth.

The Client would also suffer the loss of three other teeth as a result of the Defendants negligence and failure to treat tooth infections. A large proportion of our client’s compensation included the future cost of dental implants, to replace the tooth that she will lose.

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