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Recent orthodontic claim settled for £14,000

  • RWK Goodman recently settled a claim for negligent orthodontic treatment for £14,000.

    By Naomi Todd

RWK Goodman recently settled a claim brought against a specialist orthodontist. Our client came to us complaining that following 18 months of orthodontic treatment, she was unhappy with her result. She had discussed her issues with her orthodontist who offered to carry our further treatment free of charge, but she would need to have 2 teeth removed.

At this point she had lost confidence in her orthodontist and had decided to get a second opinion. She thought that she had received 18 months of wasted treatment.

Based on her description of what she had been through we decided to investigate further. We obtained notes and records from the defendant orthodontist and any other treatment providers, including her regular general dental practitioner. We then instructed an independent orthodontic expert to report on whether or not there were any breaches of duty.

The expert determined that our client should have been treated with extractions from the outset. She should have had 4 teeth removed. In addition she would need a further course of orthodontics to correct the substandard treatment provided by the defendant.

The Defendant denied liability and denied that any harm was caused, therefore legal proceedings had to be issued. The defendant, through their solicitors then engaged in negotiations and we were able to reach an out of court settlement in the sum of £14,000 .

This case is an example of how hard fought and complicated orthodontic claims can be. The issues often seem simple at the outset but on further investigation several complicated factors often emerge. In orthodontic claims, especially in adults, it is also important to look at what harm might occur if further orthodontic treatment is required. This is because prolonged treatment can cause resorption of the roots and there is a risk that teeth may be lost in the future.

Please check out our guide to orthodontic treatment and should you have any doubts about the treatment that you have received then please do not hesitate to contact us.

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