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£1,000 awarded for substandard extraction

  • Samantha Swaby acted for a 35 year old woman, who received £1,000 for the Defendant’s failure to adopt an appropriate extraction technique. The Defendant used a 3 in 1 syringe to blow air, water or a combination of both into …

    By dentalnegligence

Samantha Swaby acted for a 35 year old woman, who received £1,000 for the Defendant’s failure to adopt an appropriate extraction technique. The Defendant used a 3 in 1 syringe to blow air, water or a combination of both into the client’s socket to clear the site for better vision, which ran the risk of a surgical air emphysema. The client suffered pain and swelling and had to undergo the extraction of her LR8 under general anaesthetic, which could have been avoided.

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