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£19,500 received for substandard implant placement

  • Samantha Swaby, acted for a client who received £19,500 for the perforation of her UL1 by her dentist.  The client was not aware at the time, that her dentist had caused the perforation and opted to have her UL1 replaced with …

    By dentalnegligence

Samantha Swaby, acted for a client who received £19,500 for the perforation of her UL1 by her dentist.  The client was not aware at the time, that her dentist had caused the perforation and opted to have her UL1 replaced with an implant. During the implant placement, the dentist struggled to fit the implant as the hole was not big enough.

Our client was very traumatised and the dentist informed the client that he could not continue with her being in so much pain and he decided to close and suture the wound. As a result, the client was unable to have an implant to her UL1 as the bone levels were considerably reduced and bone augmentation would now be required at her UR1 and UL2.

As a result the client had to undergo the extraction of her UR1 and UL2 as no other alternative was available other than a removable prosthesis in order to replace the missing UL1 that was lost due to the substandard care provided by her dentist.

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